The domain name of the platform is megacustomercenter.com. Its access is free and does not require any condition other than your smartphone or your computer and an internet connection to visit it.
We have two types of accounts to create on this domain, namely:
1. User account (guest account): This account must be created by anyone who wants to buy a product or service on mega customer center online. In the absence of the purchase of a product or service, it is important to have been registered on mega customer center online to be notified of new articles or services placed on the platform.

2. Seller Account (Store Manager or Owner): This is the account of a seller of products or services. The seller is the author of some economic business who wants to reach his customers through mega customer center online. No exception, any trader can do business on our platform, when he respects the general conditions of use of the site.

NB: For accounts to be created on the sub-platforms of megacustomercenter.com, the username is independent from one sub-site to another, except that an account can be created for two sub-sites with the same username. ‘user. That is, if you already have an account on the products account, you must create another account for ads, using the same username as the product or a different one.

On mega customer center, there are two types of sellers. Seller of products and seller of services.
a. Sale of products
The products sold on Mega Customer Center are classified into different categories and are mainly:
– physical products found in stores in cities such as clothing, electronics, food and medicine, etc.
– digital products such as downloadable files (text documents, videos) and virtual products such as tickets, gift codes, etc.
To know how to put products on mega customer center, access the product sales section on Mega Customer Center
b. Sale of Services
The services sold here are mainly reservations of goods for rent, appointments for consultations or training, tickets for transport, accommodations in hotels, etc.

– Properties for rent can be accessed via the Advertisements option found in the product homepage menus or via the megacustomercenter.com/ads link. These goods can be vehicles, reception rooms or any other ceremonial place, miscellaneous equipment, etc.
– Appointments are bookable programs for certain services such as consultations, photo-cameras for events;
– Tickets and hotels are accessible through kazebooking.com